Invention and Discovery

invention and discovery

Invention and Discovery have a important role in human life. Invention is a unique or novel device, method, composition or process. There are some important invention are showing in the list with inventors and year.

Invention Inventors Year
Anemometer Leon Battista Alberti 1450
Barometer Evangelista Torricelli
Cathode Ray Tube Ferdinand 1897
Dynamometer Edme Regnier 1798
Ammeter Friedrich Dexler 1884
Telescope Hans Lippershey
Microscope Hans Lippershey and Zacharias Janssen 1595
LED Oleg Losev, Nick Holonyak 1962
Gravity Sir Isaac Newton 1687
Induction Motor Nikola Tesala 1885
Battery Alessandro Volta 1799
Transformer William Grove 1839
Gamma Rays Paul Villard 1930
Mercury Thermometer Gabriel Fahrenheit 1714
Vernier Caliper Pierre Vernier
Celsius Anders Celsius
Air Pressure Evangelista Torricelli
Anode Rays Eugen Goldstein 1886
LCD Friedrich Reinitzer 1888
TV John Logic Baird 1926
Telephone Alexander Graham Bell 1876
Radio G.Marconi 1901
Fountain Pen L.E Waterman 1884
Lift E. G. Otis 1852

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