![ancient dynasty The ancient dynasty of India](https://www.phiwheel.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/ancient-dynasty-678x381.jpg)
Many dynasties reigned over India during the Ancient Time and the most important among them are given below . These are important for govt exam.
1. Haryanka Dynasty
2. Shishunaga Dynasty
3. Nanda Dynasty
4. Mauryan Dynasty
5. Sunga Dynasty
6. Kanva Dynasty
7. Satvahana Dynasty
8. Gupta Dynasty
Haryanka Dynasty(544-412 BCE)–
• The time period of Haryanka Dynasty starts from Middle of 6th centuary BCE to 413 BCE.
• The capital was Rajagriha later it was shifted to Pataliputra (Patna).
• The dynasty founded by the Brihadaratha but it expended by his grandson Bimbisara(545-493 BCE), thus Bimbisara is considered as the real founder of the dynasty.
• He was a contemporary of Gautama Buddha.
• He had three wives Kosala Devi, Chellana, Khema.
• Bimbisara was succeeded by his son Ajatashatru(493-462 BCE).
• Ajatashatru killed his father and get the throne.
• He was contemporary with Mahavira and Gautam Buddha.
• First Buddist Council was held at Rajgiriha during the reign of Ajatashatru.
• Ajatashatru was succeeded by his son Udayin(460-444 BCE).
• Udayin killed his father to get the throne.
• He shifted his capital from Rajgriha to Patliputra.
• The last ruler of Haryanka dynasty was Nagdashak.
Shishunaga Dynasty(413-345 BCE)–
• This dynasty was the second ruling dynasty of Magadha.
• Shishunaga was the founder of this dynasty.
• He was the minister of Nagadashak, the last ruler of Haryanka Dynasty.
• Shishunaga shifted its capital from Rajgriha to Patliputra.
• He was succeeded by his son Kalashoka.
• Second Buddist Council was held at Vaishali during the reign of Kalashoka.
• The last ruler of Shishunaga dynasty was Nandivardhan.
Nanda Dynasty(344-323 BCE)–
• Mahapadmananda was the first ruler of the Nanda Dynasty.
• Mahapadmananda was succeeded by his eight son. Dhanananda was the last one.
• During the reign of Dhananada the invasion of Alexander took place in north-west India in 326 BC.
Maurya Dynasty(322-185 BCE)-
• Maurya Dynasty was founded by Chandragupta Maurya(322-298 BCE).
• It was one of the largest empires to rule India.
• Pataliputra was the capital of maurya empire.
• Chanakya was the Prime Minister of Chandragupta.
• Chandragupta defeated the Seleucus Nicator, the successor of Alexander in Macedonia. As part of the agreement reached later, Chandragupta married a daughter of Seleucus and in return gifted 500 war elephants.
• Seleucus sent an ambassador to Chandragupta’s court called Megasthenes.
• Towards the end of his life, Chandragupta embraced Jainism and migrated south with Acharya Bhadrabahu to Shravanabelgola in Karnataka.
• Maurya dynasty succeeded by his son Bindusara(298-272 BCE).
• Ashoka(268-232 BCE) is the successor of Bindusara.
• He is also known as Devanampriya and Priyadarshin.
• In about 263 BCE, he converted to Buddhism after witnessing the mass deaths of the Kalinga War.
• Ashoka’s 13th Rock Edict describes the Kalinga war vividly.
• In about 263 BCE Ashoka converted to Buddism.
• Ashoka organized the third Buddhist Council at Pataliputra in 250 BCE. Ashoka promoted the spread of Buddhism across ancient Asia.
• Ashoka is succeeded by Dasharatha(232-224 BCE). He was a grandson of Ashoka.
• Dasharatha was succeeded by Samprati(224-215 BCE). He was the son of Ashoka’s blind son.
• After Samprati, Maurya Dynasty was succeeded by Shalishuka, Devavarman, Shatadhanvan and Brihadratha.
• Brihadratha(187-180 BCE) was the last ruler of Maurya Dynasty.
• He was killed by his general, Pushyamitra Shunga, who was the founder of Shunga Dynasty.
Shunga Dynasty(185-75 BCE)–
• Shunga Dynasty was founded by Pushyamitra Shunga(185-151 BCE).
• The capital of Shunga dynasty is Pataliputra.
• Pushyamitra Shunga is succeeded by Agnimitra(151-141 BCE). Agnimitra is son of Pushyamitra Shunga.
• He was succeeded by Devabhuti(83-75 BCE). He was the last ruler of Shunga Dynasty.
• He was assassinated by his minister Vasudeva Kanva.
Kanva Dynasty(75-30 BCE)–
• Shunga Dynasty was succeeded by Kanva Dynasty.
• The founder of Kanva Dynasty is Vasudeva(75-66 BCE).
• He was succeeded by his son Bhumimitra(66-52 BCE).
• He ruled for fourteen years and was later succeeded by his son Narayana(52-40 BCE).
• Narayana ruled for twelve years. He was succeeded by his son Susarman(40-30 BCE).
• He was the last king of Kanva Dynasty.
• Kanva Dynasty was succeeded by Satavahana Dynasty.
Satavahana Dynasty–
• Satavahana Dynasty was founded by Simuka.
• The capital of Satavahana Dynasty was Pratishthana, Amaravati.
• Simuka reigned for around 23 years.
• Simuka was succeeded by Kanha. He extended the empire to further south.
• Kanha was succeeded by Satkarni-I. He was the son of Simuka.
• He was a great ruler among the early Satavahanas.
• Satkarni-I was succeeded by Satkarni II.
• Satkarni II was the longest ruling king of this dynasty.
• After Satkarni II, the other king Hala, Gautamiputra Satkarni, Pulumayi II.
• Pulumayi II was son of Gautamiputra Satkarni.
• Pulumayi IV was the last ruler of Satavahana Dynasty.
Gupta Dynasty(3rd century-543 CE)–
• Gupta Dynasty was founded by Sri Gupta(240-280 AD).
• He took the title of ‘Maharaja’. • Sri Gupta is succeeded by Ghatotkacha. Ghatotkacha was the son of Sri Gupta.
• Ghatotkacha is succeeded by Chandragupta I(319- 334 AD).
• Chandragupta I took the title of ‘Maharajadhiraja’.
• He married Lichchavi princess Kumaradevi.
• He started Gupta Era in 319 AD which marked the date of his accession.
• After Chandragupta his son, Samundragupta(335-380 AD) took the throne.
• He has been called ‘Napolean of India’ by V.A Smith.
• He assumed the titles of Vikramanka and Kaviraja.
• Samundragupta succeeded by Chandragupta II(380-412 AD).
• Fa-hein visit India during his reign.
• He adopted the title of “Vikramaditya”.
• He was the first Gupta ruler who had started ‘Silver Coin’.
• He had nine gems Kalidas, Amarsinh, Dhanvantiri, Varahminhira, Vararuchi, Ghatakarna, Kshapranak, Velabhatt and Shanku.
• Chandragupta II was succeeded by Kumara Gupta I(413-467 AD).
• He was the son of Dhruvadevi.
• He founded Nalanda University.
• Skandagupta (455-467 AD) was the last ruler of Gupta Dynasty.
• He saved the empire from Hun invasion coming from Central Asia. But these invasion weakened the empire.
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