

Buddhism is a faith that was founded by Siddhartha Gautama (“the Buddha”) more than 2,500 years ago in India.

Gautam Buddha was born on a Baisakhi Purnima in 607 B.C. His father’s name was Suddhodana and mother’s name was Mayadevi. He was married to his cousin Yasodhara.

  • He is also known as “Light of Asia.”
  • Budda means enlighted one.

Gautam budda-

  1. 1.Born-463 BCE
  2. 2.Birth place-Lumbini,Nepal
  3. Mother-Mahamaya
  4. Father-Suddhodana
  5. Wife-Yashodhara
  6. Son-Rahul
  7. Died-400BCE

Three ratan of Buddism-

  1. Budda
  2. Dharma
  3. Sangha

Book- Tripitaka(language ‘Pali’).

  1. Sutta Pitaka
  2. Vinaya Pitaka
  3. Abhidhamma pitika

The for nobles in buddism are-

  1. The world is full of sorrow.
  2. Desire is the root cause of all sorrow.
  3. 3.desire can be conqured by conquring desire.
  4. 4.Desire can be conquered by following the eight fold path-

The eight-fold path is-

  1. Right understanding.
  2. Right resolve
  3. Right speech
  4. Right action
  5. Right living
  6. Right efforts
  7. Right thoughts
  8. Right self-concentration

Buddist council-

  Year Place King Monk
First 483 BC Rajagriha Ajatasatru (Haryanka Dynesty) Mahakassapa
Second 383BC Vaishali Kalasoka (Sisunaga Dynesty) Sabakami
Third 250BC Patliputra Ashoka(Maurya Dynasty) Mogliputta Tissa
Fourth 1st AD Kashmir Kanishka(Kushan Dynasty) Vasumitra,



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